


Getting Started

API Server Technologies

The foundational elements of Node, Express, MongoDB, Apollo, and Firebase are used in the development of Enatega Backend’s backend process. Various more cutting-edge technologies have also been continuously incorporated by Enatega Backend.

A document-oriented database called MongoDB was created with scalability and developer flexibility in mind. Time and processing resources are saved by MongoDB’s native support for JavaScript objects. With MongoDB, you store your data in JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas rather than tables and rows as you would with a relational database. MongoDB has a straightforward JavaScript interface for querying rather than a domain-specific language like SQL. Passing a JavaScript object that partially specifies the search target is all that is necessary to look up a document.

Node JS is a packaged combination of the libuv platform abstraction layer, the core library, and Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, which is mostly built in JavaScript. Real-time web applications using push technologies over web sockets are where Node JS excels. Node JS’s core tenet is to employ non-blocking, event-driven I/O in order to stay lightweight and effective even when dealing with real-time, data-intensive applications that operate across distributed devices. In its stead, a quick, two-way communication model takes the place of the conventional request-response paradigm. It is memory-light and asynchronous without the usage of threads. Because TCP is used instead of HTTP by Node JS web sockets, low-overhead client-server communication is possible in both directions.

If you’re building a mobile app, it’s ideal to support iOS, Android, and Windows in order to gain the largest market share or to give your mobile workforce device flexibility. Writing all of the app’s functionality in Node JS and placing it on the backend is an easy approach to achieve that. The mobile device’s user interface then operates in a different language.

JavaScript-based server-side and mobile application framework called Express JS. It creates single-page, multi-page, and hybrid mobile and web applications; common web application back-end features; and APIs.
Express JS is a pre-built Node JS framework that can aid in the quicker and more intelligent development of server-side web applications. Some of its qualities are flexibility, scalability, simplicity, minimalism, and as it was created on Node JS, performance as well.
In essence, Bootstrap did for HTML/CSS and responsive web design what Express JS did for Node JS. It simplified Node JS code and provided programmers with some extra options to expand their server-side development. The most well-known Node JS framework is without a doubt Express JS; in fact, when most people refer to Node JS, they almost always mean Node JS plus Express JS.

A platform called Firebase enables developers to create feature-rich apps fast and easily while also providing a variety of services for mobile and online applications.
To send the notifications, we have used the service called Cloud Messaging, which allows us to send messages to any device using HTTP requests.
Cloud Messaging is used for admin dashboard only while for mobile notification we have used built expo api. To learn more about it click on cloud messaging.

A runtime for GraphQL allows you to answer API queries using your pre-existing data. GraphQL makes it simpler to evolve APIs over time, offers clients the power to request only the information they require and nothing more, and enables strong developer tools. It also provides a thorough and comprehensible description of the data in your API.
With a GraphQL query, you can ask your API for only the information you require. Results from GraphQL queries are always consistent. Because GraphQL apps control the data they get rather than the server, they are quick and reliable.
In addition to one resource’s characteristics, GraphQL queries can easily trace links across resources. GraphQL APIs get all the data your app requires in a single request, in contrast to standard REST APIs that need loading from numerous URLs. GraphQL-based apps can operate quickly even over sluggish mobile network connections.

A Node.js tool called Nodemailer makes sending emails as simple as pie. When there was no sensible way to send emails, the project was created back in 2010, and it is now the go-to alternative for most Node.js users.
Nodemailer is licensed under MIT license. See license details in the License page. If you are upgrading from Nodemailer v2 or older, then see the light migration guide here.

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