





Enatega Vs Ordering.Co

Since 2014, the growth rate of online food ordering has overshadowed dine-in by 300%, making up 40% of overall restaurant sales.

As the trend of online ordering increases, so does the need of having a reliable delivery app solution that empowers your business to match the customers expectations with the rising online ordering trends.

Don’t want to pay the per order charges to Ordering.co? With a plethora of Ordering.co alternatives, it becomes a challenge to choose the right Ordering.co alternative.

In such cut throat competition, Enatega comes up as the leading Ordering.co alternatives. It is an open-source food delivery platform that provides food delivery solution apps to businesses in the form of multi-vendor and single-vendor delivery management systems.

Serving a wide range of household names including StylizeNow, EasyEats, and Vinifynd, Enatega can be your go-to solution to create a seamless ordering experience for your customers.

Enatega’s Edge Over Ordering.Co/ Discover Why Enatega Stands As The Top Ordering.Co Alternative

Wondering what makes Enatega the best alternative to Ordering.co? 
Take a sneak peek into our feature comparison to see why Enatega stands as one of the best Ordering.co alternatives for restaurants.

Multi-Location Order Management
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Automated Order Management
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Non-SaaS Based Platform
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Multi-Language Support
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Delivery Time Visibility
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Payment Integrations
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Branch-Wise Toggle Option
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Scheduled Delivery And Pickup
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Menu Management
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Discount Vouchers And Tipping Option
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Delivery Zones Management
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Multi-Location Order Management
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Automated Order Management
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Non-SaaS Based Platform
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Multi-Language Support
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Delivery Time Visibility
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Payment Integrations
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Branch-Wise Toggle Option
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Scheduled Delivery And Pickup
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Menu Management
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Discount Vouchers And Tipping Option
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Delivery Zones Management
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Multi-Location Order Management
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Automated Order Management
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Non-SaaS Based Platform
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Multi-Language Support
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Delivery Time Visibility
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Payment Integrations
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Branch-Wise Toggle Option
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Scheduled Delivery And Pickup
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Menu Management
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Discount Vouchers And Tipping Option
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Delivery Zones Management
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Enatega’s food delivery app solutions streamline your business operations for faster and efficient delivery.

What We Offer As An Alternative To Ordering.Co

With features ranging from time-tracking and complete order management, we provide you with food ordering apps that not only meet customer’s expectations but also enables you to customize the app to align with your brand image.

It is time to switch from Ordering.co to Enatega’s online ordering platform for your restaurants as we offer the following solutions to our clients.

Single Vendor Food Delivery And Order Management System

Gain a competitive edge over Ordering.co with our turnkey platform which is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of your restaurant or storefront. 

Our single-vendor solution not only covers all aspects of order and delivery management but also offers seamless integration that provides a distinct advantage for efficient single-source vendor management.

Multi Vendor Food Delivery And Order Management System

Optimal for individuals venturing into the delivery and logistics business, our ready-to-use multi-vendor delivery platform is the ideal choice. 

Whether you own a  multi-source business or those with operations in multiple locations, we help you create a robust multi-vendor marketplace suitable for businesses of any scale. 

Our non SaaS-based multi-vendor ordering solution sets us apart as a superior choice compared to Ordering.co due to its inherent flexibility and affordability.

Why Choose Us Over Ordering.Co?

Non SaaS Based Platform

What does this mean for you? Our platform operates on a non Software as a Service (SaaS) model, which enables you to collaborate and share data in real-time. 

Unlike SaaS solutions, which may come with limitations, a non SaaS-based platform ensures that you have the freedom to customize and adapt the system to suit your unique business needs. 

The flexibility empowers you to make changes on your terms, optimizing your operations for maximum efficiency.


Why does it matter? Enatega is built on an open-source foundation that empowers businesses to customize the online ordering platforms for restaurants according to their business requirements.

As you have access to the source code, you have the chance to tailor the platform to your specific requirements and create a customized food ordering app.

The transparency not only enhances the platform’s adaptability but also ensures that you can benefit from ongoing improvements and community contributions.

Lifetime Licensing

What’s the advantage? When you choose Enatega, you’re not just subscribing; you’re investing in a lifetime license. 

Therefore, our users gain continuous access to our platform without having to pay recurring subscription fees. 

It’s a cost-effective Ordering.co alternative that provides long-term stability for your business. 

Once you opt for lifetime licensing, you can make your strategic decisions easily knowing that your investment ensures sustained access to Enatega’s powerful features and updates.

Elevate Your Business Presence: On the Map In Just 5 Days!

We understand the urgency of bringing your business to the customer’s attention.

So what do we do about it?

In just five business days, we guarantee the swift deployment of our cutting-edge solution to take your business into the spotlight.

  • You get 24/7 customer support to help you resolve any queries related to our delivery app solutions.
  • Our customers get access to rider, delivery, and admin apps.
  • No additional charges per delivery
  • Source code is included


Sounds great, right? We are sure you will love every moment of the Enatega experience.

Book a demo now to experience the unparalleled features present in our advanced delivery solutions. 


Schedule a meeting and get started today