Do you want to create a milk delivery app and wonder about how much it costs? You’re in the right place! The development costs for a milk delivery app typically range from $15,000 to $100,000. 

The global dairy industry will grow 1,243 billion dollars by 2028. Investing in the milk delivery app development is the best decision that takes your business to new heights.

So, knowing the cost is crucial for developing the best app. In this blog, we’ll provide a detailed breakdown of the costs to help you understand what to expect.

Let’s explore.

Cost to Develop Milk Delivery App 

The demand for milk delivery apps is increasing. People prefer to order dairy products online and have them delivered to their doorstep without the early store run. Therefore, if you have a milk delivery business, creating an app is necessary to expand your customer base and stand in the competitive market.   

However, without knowing the cost of developing a milk delivery app, you cannot create the app at a budget-friendly rate. 

The below table provides a comprehensive overview of the various components and their associated costs. It helps you understand the financial investment required for developing a milk delivery app.

Cost ComponentEstimated CostDescription
Market Research$1,000 – $5,000Analyzing competitors and target audience needs.
UI/UX Design$2,000 – $10,000Creating user-friendly interfaces and experiences.
Frontend Development$5,000 – $30,000Developing the client-side application (iOS/Android/Web).
Backend Development$5,000 – $25,000Server-side logic, database management, and APIs.
Payment Integration$1,000 – $5,000Setting up secure payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal).
Testing & Quality Assurance$2,000 – $8,000Ensuring the app is bug-free and functions as intended.
Deployment$1,000 – $3,000Launching the app on app stores or web servers.
Maintenance and Updates$2,000 – $10,000/yearRegular updates and bug fixes post-launch.
Marketing and Promotion$2,000 – $10,000Initial marketing campaigns to attract users.
Miscellaneous Costs$1,000 – $5,000Legal fees, licenses, and unexpected expenses.
Total Estimated Cost: $15,000 – $100,000

Factors Affecting the Milk Delivery App Development Cost

The cost of developing the mobile app for milk delivery depends on various factors, such as:

Factors Affecting the Milk Delivery App Development Cost

App Features 

Features play an important role in evaluating the milk delivery app development cost. The more complex features you add the higher the development cost and time required. Features like payment gateway integration, AI chatbots, real-time tracking, and push notifications can affect the milk delivery app development cost.   

Development Team Location

The location from where you hire the developer also affects the milk delivery app development cost.  For example, the cost of hiring senior software developers in the USA is higher, while the same position costs less in Asia. This is primarily because of the difference in the cost of living in both countries.

Here are the hourly rates of developers in various countries. 

CountryEstimated Hourly Rate (USD)
USA$100 – $200
Canada$80 – $150
UK$70 – $130
Germany$60 – $120
Australia$70 – $140
India$20 – $50
Philippines$15 – $40
Ukraine$30 – $70
Brazil$20 – $50
South Africa$30 – $60

App Development Time

The average time to build an online milk delivery solution is usually 3-12 months. However, the time varies and depends on the app requirements like what features you add (simple or complex). A simple app with basic features takes 3 months to complete, a mid-level app takes 6 months, and a more complex app is built around 12 months or longer. 

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App UI/UX Design

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design are crucial for app success. Investing in quality design can enhance user satisfaction but may increase costs. Custom designs typically cost more than templates.

Custom designs are more expensive than pre-made templates, and offer greater flexibility and uniqueness. In contrast, template designs can be cost-effective and quicker to implement, but they may lack the personalization and depth that users increasingly expect. Therefore, the choice between custom and template designs involves weighing the benefits of enhanced user satisfaction against the potential increase in costs. 


The selection of platforms also influences the cost of a milk delivery app. You have to decide whether to develop for iOS, Android, or both. For native development, a higher cost is required for separate apps on each platform. The cross-platform development costs less but may have limitations in performance or features.

Selection of Tech Stack

The technology required for app building affects the cost. The tech stack (programming languages, frameworks, and tools) that are required to create the web/mobile app have price differences.   

Here is a simple representation of how different technologies can affect milk app development costs based on their complexity. 

TechnologyComplexity LevelCost Impact
Ruby on RailsMediumMedium-High
Mobile FrameworksHighHigh
Database ManagementMediumMedium
Cloud ServicesHighHigh
DevOps ToolsHighMedium-High
APIs (REST/GraphQL)MediumMedium
Testing Frameworks MediumMedium

App Maintenance and Ongoing Cost 

Your app development expenses are ongoing rather than one-time. You will still need to pay each month for frequent software upgrades, upkeep, and tech support even after deployment and launch. This keeps your milk delivery app relevant in the marketplace and is essential for app maintenance. Regular maintenance costs may be anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000.  

Common Mistakes Increasing Development Costs

Here are some common mistakes that increase the milk delivery app development cost. 

Common Mistakes Increasing Development Costs

Lack of Clear Project Requirements

One of the biggest contributors to increased development costs is a lack of clarity in project requirements. Without a well-defined understanding of what you need, you may end up overspending. Establishing clear and concise specifications from the outset is essential to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Neglecting Scalability

Overlooking scalability can result in higher costs as your app expands. By planning for scalability early on, you can accommodate future growth without facing significant financial burdens later.

Poor Communication with the Development Team

Ineffective communication with your development team can lead to misunderstandings and costly revisions. Maintaining open lines of communication ensures that everyone is aligned and can help prevent delays and additional expenses. From developers to designers to testers, everyone should understand the primary vision and goal of the product.

Skipping Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A lot of people ignore the user experience and omit the necessary functionality because they believe MVP is unnecessary. A big mistake that businesses make is to leave out the user experience in their MVP. There is no practical method for validating your product if you skip the MVP phase. Also, create the MVP with essential features not with minimum features.  

Inadequate Testing and Quality Assurance

Skipping thorough testing and quality assurance can lead to bugs and issues that may require costly fixes later. Investing time and resources in a testing phase is crucial for delivering a reliable and efficient app.

Tips to Reduce the Milk Delivery App Development Cost 

Below are some tips to help you reduce the cost of milk delivery app development. 

Tips to Reduce the Milk Delivery App Development Cost 

Efficient Project Planning 

Clearly define the app scope and objective that you want to achieve. This involves defining project requirements, conducting thorough research, establishing timelines, and creating user personas. With all the information, you can easily determine the cost of the milk supply app.   

Use Open Source Technologies and Libraries

To reduce the cost of developing the mobile app, use open-source frameworks and libraries. Consider using efficient app development tools that facilitate collaborative workflows and align with industry best practices. 

Without requiring a substantial financial commitment, open-source solutions frequently come with a community of app developers that assist. Examine pre-built modules that fit the specifications of the project. This can greatly reduce the time and money needed to develop new features and their associated development expenses.

Cross-Platform Development 

Consider using cross-platform development frameworks such as Flutter or React Native for your app. These frameworks enable you to build applications that work seamlessly on both Android and iOS, reducing the need for separate codebases and lowering development costs.

Build an MVP

When considering the costs associated with app development, choosing to create an MVP. It is a smart strategy that helps to reduce the app development cost. An MVP enables you to launch a basic version of the app with essential features, which helps to minimize initial expenses. 

This approach allows you to gather valuable user feedback for informed decisions and future enhancements. By adopting an iterative development strategy, you can allocate resources effectively, ensuring they align with user needs while optimizing overall development costs. 

Choose the Best Milk Delivery App Development Company

For milk delivery app development, choosing the right partner is essential for success. Select the milk app development company that creates the best app for your business. Look for an app development company who have experience in building apps similar to yours, a proven track record, a team of skilled professionals, and a portfolio that aligns with your project’s vision. 

How to Develop a Milk Delivery App?

Creating the milk delivery app involves some steps, such as:

How to Develop a Milk Delivery App?

1. Market Research 

In-depth research is the foundation of the successful online milk delivery app solution. In this phase, you have to analyze the audience, competitors, the latest market trends, and the gaps that you have to fill with your app. A thorough market research helps to reveal unique features that differentiate your milk delivery app from others.

2. Decide the App Features

Select the app features that make your app unique and competitive in the market. Make sure to include the relevant features such as registration, secure payment integration, order management, real-time tracking, and feedback. Also, add the features that are not present in your competitor’s app.   

3. Start Milk Delivery App Development 

In the development phase of your milk delivery app, focus on designing the front end and then working on the back end. A seamless user interface combined with a robust backend will ensure a smooth experience for your users.

4. Testing and Quality Assurance 

Thoroughly test your app to identify and resolve any bugs or errors. Evaluate its performance across various devices to ensure compatibility. Collect feedback from beta testers to enhance the user experience. Before deployment, ensure the app is fully functional and error-free.

5. Launching and Marketing 

When testing is complete, it’s time to officially launch your milk delivery app and initiate your marketing campaign. Develop a strategy to attract users and raise awareness. Use social media, online platforms, and partnerships with local dairy farms to reach your target audience.

Consider offering discounts and special promotions to encourage early adoption. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, which will help build credibility and attract new users.

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The milk delivery market is increasing. By 2029, the global milk market is expected to expand by US$0.55 trillion. This upward trend reflects changing consumer preferences and increasing demand for fresh dairy products, presenting valuable opportunities for businesses within the industry.

However, creating a successful milk delivery app at an affordable cost requires careful planning and execution.

If you're looking to develop a budget-friendly milk delivery app, contact us. Our experienced team has a proven track record in building milk delivery apps that increase revenue and boost sales. We've successfully developed over 100 apps, including the clone of Foodpanda, DoorDash, Postmates, and more.

So, book a free demo with us and get the best app that meets your business needs.

About the author


Hudaibia Khalid

Copywriter & Marketing Assistant

Hudaibia Khalid is the creative force behind the blog—a maestro of words and ideas. Her distinctive style not only imparts wisdom but also leaves an indelible mark, transforming each post into a captivating journey through her unique perspective on the world.